
Sunday, September 29, 2013

I Got What I Asked For

Sunday, September 29, 2013. A few days ago I expressed the desire that my body make up its mind: either be sick, or stop feeling slightly 'off.'

I got what I asked for: and have been inside, coughing, since the next morning. In a strange way, it's an improvement.

About 4:50 this afternoon. September 29, 2013.

We've had some beautiful, 'picture postcard' days this week. That photo is a pretty good example.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Blue Sky, or Not Much Happened This Week

Sunday, September 22, 2013. The calendar tells me that it's the first day of autumn. The sky is right for that season: clear blue; but trees generally haven't gotten around to turning color. Not that I've seen, anyway.

My house has a yard, some folks have lawns, others maintain displays of landscape art. September 18, 2013.

First day of autumn. September 22, 2013.

My parish is organizing their annual chow mein dinner fundraiser. Folks keep coming back: possibly because not many places serve chow mein around here.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Rain, Blue Skies, and Photos

Sunday, September 15, 2013. I drove about 125 miles through more-or-less heavy rain yesterday afternoon. That's not my favorite thing to do, but we needed the precipitation. Today was more inclined to provide drizzle and finally clear skies.

Early evening, looking north from the St. Paul's church parking lot. September 10, 2013.

The end of a street on the north side. Most of the field there was green, happily. September 11, 2013.

Near a quiet corner on Sauk Centre's north side. September 11, 2013.

Not a particularly cheerful scene, at the corner of Ash Street and South 12th: but we needed the rain. September 15, 2013.

Grass on vacant land between (The Original) Main Street and Fairlane Drive. September 15, 2013.

It's starting to feel autumnal: which figures, since it's the middle of September.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

End of a Hot Week

Sunday, September 8, 2013. It's been a hot week, until today. I've been enjoying being inside most of today, watching the occasional rain showers.

Temperatures in Glenwood, from September, 2013.

School started, with the usual midafternoon exodus down south 9th.

Apart from that, I haven't noticed much going on in town. Not that I've been out much. It was that sort of a week.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Labor Day Weekend So Far: Wind, Hail, and a Beautiful Day

Sunday, September 1, 2013. Labor Day Weekend. It's been a beautiful day here: not hot, a welcome change of pace from the rest of the week. We've had a heat advisory and then some storms. Here's part of what I saw on the weather page for Sauk Centre:

Minnesota counties involved in the heat advisory, Thursday afternoon. August 29, 2013.

Saturday afternoon, storms coming. August 31, 2013.

They were moving fast. August 31, 2013.

The storms had 70 mile an hour winds, and hail. I haven't seen more than a light sprinkling of leaves and twigs on streets and lawns here in town. I hope the much-needed rain didn't come at the expense of crop damage, or worse.

Labor Day weekend is the unofficial end of summer around here. I'm looking forward to a nice, comfortable autumn. What we actually get: we'll see.