
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

H1N1 2009, Compost, Thanksgiving and Christmas

Wednesday, November 18, 2009. I had some business at City Hall today, and saw this reminder of the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic. Earlier this week, we signed up so our youngest child could get the H1N1 vaccine at the school. The immunizations take place next month, I think.

What the sign says should be just common sense. It (quite politely) says something like, 'if you're running a fever, coughing and sneezing: please don't infect us. November 18, 2009.

About H1N1 2009: I've been writing about what's happening, in another blog: and put together a set of links to pretty reliable sources of information. ("Swine Flu 2009") Enough of serious stuff.

We've had some beautifully clear, blue-skied days: "October's bright blue weather," come a little late.

Sauk Centre's Yard Waste Compost Facility: I don't usually hang out here, but I was out Monday, and wondered what was making the smoke. November 16, 2009.

It's no campfire: That's an orange dump truck down there. November 16, 2009.

I suppose there's a limit to how much "composting" can be done with Sauk Centre's yard waste. There was a lively fire putting some of the stuff through a really fast recycling process this Monday. Depending on your point of view, the city was endangering fragile Earth - or providing plants with vitally-needed carbon dioxide.

It's not exactly new, now, but I think this is the first time I've featured the Sauk Centre water processing plant. November 16, 2009.

A bit north of that Godzilla-size bonfire, the Sauk Centre water works was too good a photo-op to pass up. While I'm thinking of it: Thanks, everybody who keeps services like water, power and light running.

Some householders skipped right past Thanksgiving, and are getting set for Christmas. November 18, 2009.

On the other hand, some take the holiday's one at a time: in some cases, with distinctly non-traditional artwork. November 18, 2009.

I'm running out of time, and still haven't said anything about holiday displays in the stores. Well, that will wait.

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