
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Building for Sale, A Business/Community Meeting, and Stuff About the School

Wednesday, April 14, 2010. Vocational Biographies' main office has been down the block from Marc'ette Floral on 6th Street South for longer than I've lived in Sauk Centre. I worked there for about 20 years, and was impressed by the mansion that's hidden under commercial remodeling - which pre-dates Vocational Biographies' ownership of the place. I think the original house could be called 'Victorian' - but I'm no expert.

Anyway, the building's for sale.

More than two decades on 6th Street South. April 13, 2010.

I hope someone - or some organization - buys the place. The original curved glass windows are still in the ground floor 'tower' windows: You get the idea.

Vocational Biographies? They're not going anywhere. Well, actually, they are: the company's moving its operations to a smaller place. Where, I don't know.

I see in the paper that the Sauk Centre School District is looking at about a quarter-million budget cut. Not good news, no matter how you slice it.

Scanning for - something. April 13, 2010.

Meanwhile, it looks like the sidewalk on 9th Street South betweent he school and Ash Street may get widened. That's going to be a job: There's at least one masonry (I think that's the word) wall in the way: and if they establish a sidewalk on the south side of the street, there's a little matter of a power pole. We'll see what happens.

This week's Sauk Centre Herald gave a sort of 'heads-up' on the third business and community meeting tomorrow night. It'll be at 7:00 p.m., in Jitters Java.

Here's a sample of notes from an earlier meeting, on the pillar in Jitters Java. April 7, 2010.

I don't know that I'd want to suggest commissioning a bronze head of Sinclair Lewis right now, with a quarter-million dollar hole in the school budget and what looks like another not-exactly-minor public works project coming up. But it doesn't hurt to think about something like that.

Nice. A like touches like this in a yard. April 8, 2010.

Meanwhile, like the sign on that umbrella says, "April showers bring May flowers." And we've been getting some of those showers this week.

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