
Sunday, August 29, 2010

End of Summer, Start of School, and 60 Pounds of Butter

Sunday, August 29, 2010. We're a week from Labor Day weekend, the unofficial end of summer. Classes start at Sauk Centre schools right after that, and as someone said, 'all I know is what I read in the papers.'

Speaking of which, if you haven't read what the August 24, 2010 Sauk Centre Herald had to say about Emily Lahr and the butter sculptures: I suggest you look that article up. Turns out that molding a 60-pound block of cheese into a likeness of yourself is part of being involved in the Princess Kay of the Milky Way competition.

Don't worry: the butter gets recycled as food after it's displayed.

Also from the Herald: as of September 1, Wednesday, it's no smoking anywhere at St. Michael's Lakeview Medical Clinic. The idea is to help folks be healthier.

Between school starting and the November elections, I feel like I should have some sort of countdown here. It's probably more trouble than it's worth, though

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