
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Burst Pipe in the Laundry Room: Amazingly Distracting

Sunday, September 19, 2010. As I realize that I won't have time or energy to finish today's entry, I am reminded of a none-too-amusing story.

It's not as well known as, say, the Great Chicago Fire, but quite a bit of Fargo North Dakota burned to the ground in The Fire of 1893. There was a brisk wind that day, which didn't help.

The start of the fire was a sort of good news - bad news situation. Good news: there was a fire department building close to where the fire started. Bad news: the truck was out, sprinkling the streets. That was just as well, in a way, since the building the truck was housed in caught fire rather promptly.

All of which may not seem to have much to do with Sauk Centre, Minnesota, here at the beginning of the 21st century.

Actually, it doesn't.

The pipe that burst in my laundry room in the wee hours of Friday morning didn't start a fire. I stayed up all night to make sure of that: a sensible action, I think, since water was drizzling into the basement in the vicinity of our main circuit breaker pane. I trust that piece of technology - but only so far.

I posted an update on my personal situation this morning in my personal blog, and will update that sooner or later.

I've got photos and observations to share: but between Friday's all-nighter and dealing with the aftermath, I haven't got them ready.

Sorry about that. Unless there's some more unexpected excitement, I expect to be caught up at least by my regular Wednesday entry.

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