
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day Before Halloween, 2011, With Rain

Sunday, October 30, 2011. Tomorrow is Halloween, so 'happy Halloween,' a day early. My wife and #3 daughter have been cutting wicks for the Spiral Light Candle company. That's #2 daughter and my son-in-law's outfit. Aside from that, it's been a quiet couple of weeks in this household. I've had some sort of bug, and my wife's getting over something she ate. She's missed Soo Bahk Do Thursday of this week, and today.

Making long strands of wick into shorter strands. October 28, 2011.

Enough about me and this family.

Our Lady of Angels church had our annual polka Mass: Larry's Concertina Band from Rochester, Minnesota, did the music this year. I enjoy those polka Masses: but suppose they're not for everybody.

Larry's Concertina Band at Our Lady of Angels polka Mass. October 30, 2011.

Rain. We've been having rain. Not a whole lot on any given day, but we've been having rain. Damp, cool, wet, rain. I grilled burgers this noon, anyway.

October's not-so-bright, not-so-blue weather. October 30, 2011.

I haven't gotten out much recently, so here's a selection of photos from recent Halloweens:

Whoops. That's getting ahead of the season. December 21, 2008.

If that person's standing straight, the house is leaning. The top Jack 'o lantern looks a little worried. October 31, 2008.

I like this one: He's looking at the world from a new angle. October 31, 2008.

I get the impression that group on the right's having a heated debate. November 4, 2009.

Those are expressions you don't see every day. November 4, 2009.

Some of the costumes were downright cute: like this butterfly. October 31, 2010.

Here's my contribution to Halloween spookiness.

See you again, next week!


  1. There seems to be something wrong with the picture for this caption. "If that person's standing straight, the house is leaning."

    The Friendly Neighborhood Proofreader

    P.S. GAA! What is it! Run awaaaaaaayyyyy!

  2. Brigid,

    Oops. Fixed that. Thanks!

    About the little guy in the last picture? I'm not sure who's more scared: him/it, or whoever is holding the flashlight. ;)


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