
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Construction and a New(ish) Name on Main Street

Sunday, September 30, 2012. I've had quite a month:
I enjoyed spending a week at the Spiral Light Candle factory, filling in for the boss. I learned quite a bit about day-to-day operations there: and that I'm not a 40-year-old kid any more. Now that I've rested up from that, I caught a cold: but, like we say in Minnesota "it could be worse."

Here's the first bit of catching up on what's been happening in Sauk Centre: what I've noticed, anyway.

The new building on South Main may be ready by winter: or, not. My guess is that it'll be apartments. or something else. September 8, 2012.

Diversicom, also on South Main, is called Arvig now. September 8, 2012.

Mainstreet Communications/Diversicom, the telephone/cable/Internet company on South Main, has been called Arvig since January of this year. Or maybe it's arvig. Here's what I found at the TriCountyNEWS.MN website:
"Diversicom to change name to Arvig"
TriCountyNEWS.MN (December 2, 2011)

"Arvig Communication Systems (ACS) announced Nov. 28, that its subsidiary, Diversicom, will change its name to Arvig as of
"Jan. 1, 2012.
"In December 2010, Arvig Communication Systems purchased Diversicom and its wholly owned subsidiaries of Melrose Telephone and Mainstreet Communications...
"...'Over the years, customers have referred to us in a variety of ways including Arvig Communication Systems, ACS, and Arvig Communications, among others. We have decided to simplify our name to eliminate confusion and clarify our name and image to our customers, both residential and business,' said Chief Operating Officer, David Arvig. We found the same name confusion with Diversicom with customers referring to the company as Mel Tel, Sauk and Mainstreet.'..."
The article says Arvig started out in 1950 as East Ottertail Telephone Company, and that's another topic. I can see a point to calling all of the Arvig companies "Arvig." I think it'll help if the outfit sticks with that name for more than a few years - yet another topic.

That's all I'll do this week. There are quite a few more photos I took this month, of concrete rubble, chickens, a sunset, a street: and maybe something you'll want to see.

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