
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Rain, Clear, and Undecided

Sunday, June 8, 2014. There's a flood warning for the Sauk River, around St. Cloud, effective until next Sunday. I can believe that. We've had a great deal of rain. At one point, some of the water outside got inside, into the basement. I don't remember that happening since the time we got an unusually heavy rain while the ground was still frozen.'s almanac for our area shows rain or rain and lightning four days this week, clear skies for two days, and one undecided: that was today, with leaden overcast but no rain.

Lilacs. June 2, 2014.

Between heavy rain, wind, and their natural cycle, flowers on the lilac bushes have withered or been blown away. I noticed near-ideal light on them Monday, snatched my camera, and got outside when the clouds were reasserting themselves.

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