
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Last Photos from the Stearns County Fair, School Year Coming

 Sunday, August 23, 2015. The school year will be starting soon. I've seen a few recreational vehicles go by outside, probably being driven home after the summer's: recreating?

It's been overcast and raining about half the time this week, including Friday and Saturday: when I made an unexpected delivery to North Dakota. I was filling in for my son, who wasn't able to go: and so spent a few hours visiting with the kids and granddaughter up there.

These are the last photos from the Stearns County Fair.

In the 4-H building, mostly photography displays. (August 1, 2015)

I always stop by the model rocket table, remembering when I made that sort of thing. (August 1, 2015)

Nicely-framed clouds, seen through the 4-H building's west door. (August 1, 2015)

And walking back through the midway, on my way home. (August 1, 2015)

A patch of blue sky, branches being blown about: today felt like autumn. (August 23, 2015)

After spending much of Friday and Saturday either getting as much as what I'd planned to do finished, or driving to and from North Dakota, I'm fresh out of stuff to say. For me, that's an odd sensation.

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