I'll have the weekly post ready later this evening.
You probably know about the mass murder in Connecticut. The crime quickly became international news.
Newtown, Connecticut, was home to 27,605 people in 2010. (
Welcome to Newtown, CT (
newtown-ct.gov) the town's website)
That's nearly seven times as many folks as live here in Sauk Centre: but it's still a small town by American standards.
I haven't seen the sort of 'how could this happen in a small town' editorializing that followed earlier school murders. Maybe folks have gotten used to the idea that small town America isn't immune to what troubles the world.
Murder is Wrong
I'm angry and upset about what happened: but ranting about wouldn't, I think, do any good.
This is just a suggestion but many folks in and around Newtown, Connecticut, are hurting: and prayer is an option.
So is contributing to a support fund:
I know nothing about that fund, apart from 'what I've read in the papers.' I recommend checking out any charity before giving.
A List
Killed Friday morning, December 14, in Newtown, Connecticut:
- Mother of killer
- At Sandy Hook Elementary School
- Students and staff
- Charlotte Bacon
- Daniel Barden
- Rachel Davino
- Olivia Engel
- Josephine Gay
- Ana Marquez-Greene
- Dylan Hockley
- Dawn Hochsprung
- Madeleine F. Hsu
- Catherine V. Hubbard
- Chase Kowalski
- Jesse Lewis
- James Mattioli
- Grace McDonnell
- Anne Marie Murphy
- Emilie Parker
- Jack Pinto
- Noah Pozner
- Caroline Previdi
- Jessica Rekos
- Avielle Richman
- Lauren Rousseau
- Mary Sherlach
- Victoria Soto
- Benjamin Wheeler
- Allison N. Wyatt
- Killer
(source: Connecticut State Police, via FoxNews.com and Associated Press; FoxNews.com)
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