Stearns County Fair is coming up, starting Wednesday. The Knights of Columbus Bingo booth will start up sooner than we have in past years. I'm not sure why: apparently the Fair board told us that we would, and we're complying.
I've got quite a few photos of the Sinclair Lewis Days parade left. It's one of my favorite annual events here.
Sinclair Lewis Days parade: Some units fit on a small flatbed trailer.... July 19, 2014.
... others don't July 19, 2014.
Flowers in someone's front yard, and a small park. July 25, 2014.
Friday was more July-like. That sign is new since I moved to Sauk Centre: but it's not exactly new. July 25, 2014.
Thanks to the new schedule, I've got a different shift at the K. of C. Bingo booth. Since I'm retired, that's not a problem: can't say that I miss being locked into a nine-to-five routine.